Author Archives: GC Ramey

Exciting News For Gamecock Bourbon As We Make a Big-Time Transition!

The founder of Gamecock Bourbon Society (GBS), G.C. Ramey, announces his departure from the club to pursue his passion in education, with a focus on bourbon history. Ramey initially established GBS with hopes of connecting with fellow Gamecock and bourbon enthusiasts. Former Director of Development, Paul Miles, will now assume ownership and operations of GBS, allowing Ramey to focus on his academic pursuits. Existing GBS operations and events are expected to continue.

GC Joins the “Take On the South” history podcast to talk bourbon history.

GC Ramey from the Gamecock Bourbon Team joined historians Dr. Mark Smith and Dr. Matt Simmons for a podcast episode about bourbon whiskey’s history and its impact on American culture. The discussion covers bourbon’s role in the economy, politics, health, medicine, and overall society. Ramey endeavours to convince bourbon-skeptic Dr. Smith of its historical significance, delving into marketing aspects, private barrels, tasting, and more.

Even in a Loss, Point Proven: We Belong

The Gamecocks played against the Georgia Bulldogs, the national champions experiencing a 19-game winning streak. Despite an initial lead and strong performance in the first half, eventually the Gamecocks caved in the second half. The author attributes the loss to superior coaching from Georgia and the difficulty of maintaining momentum against a stronger team. Despite the defeat, the author praises the players’ drive and believes the team will learn and grow from the loss. The article remains optimistic about the Gamecocks’ future performance.

Talking to New Students About Their First Game at Williams-Brice

The author, an English teacher and Gamecock Football enthusiast, illuminates student perspectives and their shared experiences of Gamecock fandom. The author reflects on his deep connection with Williams-Brice stadium – a connection he sees forming in his students. The post articulates his belief that shared experiences with Gamecock Football unite students past, present, and future, fostering a lifelong community and fostering a love for their alma mater.

“Don’t Panic”: Taking Football Advice from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

The author shares their disappointment following a surprising outcome in a football game. The build-up and anticipation prior to the match are likened to a child excited for a special Christmas gift, only to end up with a different, less appealing present. Despite the disappointment, the author still expresses hope and encourages true fans to stay optimistic. They also highlight the importance of fans supporting players, viewing them as students tackling multiple responsibilities and not just as athletes. The author advises channeling frustration towards the coaching staff while refraining from unfairly targeting individual students online.

“Bourbon Unites Us”: A local student finds generous support from an unlikely source, a Tennessee fan

Lori Carey, a self-proclaimed “Marching Band Mom” and die hard Gamecock fan, recently posted a link on Twitter seeking fundraising support for her son, a member of the Lexington High School marching band. She hoped that maybe a few fellow Gamecock fans or local individuals with ties to music education might see the link and […]

Every Bottle Has a Story: My Interview with Tiffany Gibson

Early in my own bourbon journey I discovered Marianne Eaves, heard her story, learned about her ground-breaking work in the world of bourbon, and found myself inspired by her passion and attitude toward her craft. Years later, as I’m sitting down interviewing bourbon steward, Tiffany Gibson, Marianne comes up. Tiffany, who owns and operates Bourbon […]

A Day on the Golf Course with Grayson Greiner

  The Sarge is in Charge: I remember going to Gamecock baseball games well before Founder’s was built. For me, those warm spring evenings at Sarge brings back as many good memories as the cool autumn nights at Williams-Brice do. Things were simpler then. I was a kid that craved the freedom and autonomy of […]

Classic Bourbon Cocktail Recipes… With a Creative Twist

If there’s one thing that bugs me most about bourbon influencers (not just those who try to shame people Twitter or Instagram, but also the pretentious Jacks and Jills that frequent local liquor stores and gate-keep bourbon novices) is their belief that bourbon should only be enjoyed in a glass, served neat. Not only do […]